Feature Story:

The Lovis Foundation

Feature: Lovis Foundation Benefit Auction

Shop this selection” and support the Lovis Foundation as they work to bring joy to youth with disabilities and many others by supporting community programs that inspire and encourage.

The Lovis Foundation honors the life of a Cincinnati native and charismatic young man named Logan Brinson. In spite of his many medical and physical challenges, Logan was always eager to reach out and help anyone in need. During his 19 years, Logan’s joyous spirit had a positive impact on everyone he met. 

If you were to meet Logan Brinson for the first time, a few things would immediately stand out: his energetic smile, his signature “Elvis” pompadour hairstyle and his dapper bowtie. Within minutes, you would find yourself immersed in his passion for America, the Presidents, gospel music and the King of Rock and Roll. You would take note of how completely comfortable he was with being different, with being himself. His confidence would draw you nearer, leading you to wonder how such a young man could carry the sophistication of such an old soul.

When he was born, specialists estimated he would live no longer than three years and most likely, would never walk, talk or be able to eat.  As well as an undiagnosed genetic condition, Logan’s medical conditions included a heart condition, a lung disease, a blood disorder and failure to thrive.  He also had an immune deficiency where his blood didn’t produce the fighter cells needed to fight infection.  He couldn’t see depth, had significant swelling in his legs from lymphedema and had moderate-severe hearing loss and Asperger’s.  At one point, he was being treated by 17 different specialists.  His life was filled with doctor appointments, treatments, medications, stomach tubes, large syringes, needles and loads and loads of bandages.  By age 3, he had spent over half of his life inpatient at Cincinnati Children’s.  Before he was 7, he hit the 100th time that he had been through the surgery department. 

None of those things slowed him down.

When Logan was five years old, he developed an obsession with all things America, especially American history and the U.S. Presidents. Beating the odds, he started talking at age four and would stand on a chair and recite the Presidents in order.  His dream was to visit the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. At age eight, the Make-A-Wish Foundation granted his wish and changed his life forever. While in D.C., Logan visited The National Archives where he saw a picture of President Nixon meeting Elvis Presley and exclaimed, “Who is THAT MAN with Richard Milhous Nixon?” In that moment, a feverish admiration for Elvis was born.

Logan lived an amazing life by living each day to the fullest. His journey of 19 years ended April 21, 2016 when he passed due to complications from pneumonia. Logan, with his offbeat sense of humor, always joked that he would die from pneumonia, just like the 9th President of the United States, William Henry Harrison, who developed pneumonia after giving the longest inauguration speech in history in the rain.

The ceremony celebrating Logan’s life included an American flag flown over the U.S. Capitol in Logan’s honor sent by the Capital Police, Elvis tribute artists, a speech from a US Army General,  a four-motorcycle police escort from the Cincinnati Police Department, honor guard conducted by the City of Ypsilanti Police Department, a ladder salute across the road from the Little Miami Fire and Rescue Department and a gravesite escort from the Greater Cincinnati Emerald Society Bagpipes and Drums. Over 1,000 people came to say goodbye to their charismatic friend who made everyone want to be a better person just by knowing him.

Feature: Lovis Foundation Benefit Auction
Feature: Lovis Foundation Benefit Auction

Lovis (a combination of Logan and Elvis) was founded in 2016. The mission of the Lovis Foundation is to continue Logan’s legacy by promoting charitable initiatives that celebrate individuality, inspire compassion and encourage others to shine.  By funding community programs as unique and imaginative as Logan himself, Lovis makes a difference for those who are often under-supported and under-recognized. 

Some of the ways Lovis is making a difference includes hosting an annual winter dance for young people with differences, providing financial support for school districts to create quarterly programming for youth in special education to spend an evening out with friends, providing an annual summer event for those with disabilities or a medical condition, and annually awarding school nominated middle-school and high school aged young people with awards for making a difference in their communities. In addition, the Foundation provides ballistic protection for a K9 dog each year and awards a young Elvis tribute artist with the ETA Rising Star award.

Your support of this auction will give Lovis the ability to create and fund additional programming that spreads Logan-style joy to youth with disabilities, first responders and many more.

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Learn more about the Lovis Foundation at lovisfoundation.org.

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